admin357961Nov 14, 20101 min readNovembers NewsletterNovembers newsletter is now available at[1].htm
admin357961Oct 27, 20101 min readNew ManagerWe would like to announce that we have employed a new nursery manager. Mary Gay will start in January and we all look forward to working...
admin357961Aug 17, 20101 min readManagerIt is with regret that we have to announce that Donna Frost (Nursery Manager) will be leaving soon. Donna has been given an excellent...
admin357961Aug 1, 20101 min readRefurb FinishedWe are pleased to announce that the nursery has finished its mini refurbishment. We have had the interior of the nursery painted, new...
admin357961May 4, 20101 min readCarparkOver the next few months the car park will be extremely busy. We have the gardeners on site making our new garden and they have to take...
admin357961Apr 26, 20101 min readRefurbWatcombe Nursery is undergoing a small refit, this includes painting the nursery and new carpets. It should take about six weeks to paint...
admin357961Mar 17, 20101 min readPolicies Available on WebsitePlease note that the nursery policies are now available online. Just click on the link