Fee Increase from 1st April 2013
Dear Parent / Carer,
As you are aware we are a ‘Community Interest Company’ and so all monies are for the sole use of the nursery (and do not go to any shareholder, like a lot of the other private nurseries).
When we first opened, back in 2006, we had funding from a SureStart grant, which helped us over the first few years. Since then the only money we receive is through paying parents, and this has to pay for everything in the nursery (this includes staff wages, cleaning, consumables, equipment, services etc). We do not pay our staff a fantastic wage, and the directors are unpaid and give up their time to help with the strategic management of the nursery. We also do not pay staff for fund raising events and activity days.
Because of this, from 1st April 2013, we have to increase our fee’s inline with other nurseries within the surrounding area. We are very sad to have to do this. We pride ourselves on being extremely competitive, and we also need to ensure we are in a position to maintain our very high standards, employing experienced and highly qualified staff.
The new charges (For Under 3’s) from April 1st2013 will be:
Full Day £38.00
Morning £23.50
Afternoon £21.50
There is no increase for children in the Foundation Unit.
Please remember that we do not charge for Bank Holidays or Christmas closures like other nurseries. We have checked with similar nurseries in the area and we are still competitive. On the reverse of this letter I have noted some ways for you to save on your fees.
Starting in the April term we will be able to claim funding for 2 year olds (up to 15 hours) whose parents are on either IncomeSupport; Income based Jobseekers Allowance; Income related Employment Support Allowance; Child Tax Credit but not entitled to Working Tax Credit and with an annual income of less than £16,190; Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 or The Guaranteed Element of State Pension Credit. If you are on any of these benefits then please pop in and see me.
Many thanks
Nik Salter